
07396 172301


I work across Cornwall offering birth preparation and pregnancy mentoring, if you would like to find out more or book, please Contact Me

Birthing From Within Childbirth Classes

Birthing from Within is a holistic heart-centered approach that honours the sacred journey of self-discovery that we make during pregnancy and birth, whilst laying the foundations for birthing in today’s modern world.

Whilst we are beautifully designed to grow and birth our babies, the rite of passage of birth is a ultimately a journey into the unknown. We may ask ourselves what do we really need to know to make that journey and become parents or how might we cope if things don’t go to plan. These are important questions and through self-exploration, we can begin to excavate our fears and beliefs about birth and start to unravel some of these thoughts and feelings and learn how to work through our anxieties.

This four week course beautifully weaves practical and evidence based information together with meditation, art and a little ceremony to help you to prepare emotionally, physically and spiritually for the birth of your baby. You will learn how to tune into your intuition and natural instincts, tap into the resources you already have within you, work through your fears, understand your strengths and learn how to cultivate resilience, acceptance and self-compassion no matter where your birth journey takes you.

You will come away feeling informed, confident and empowered with a practical tool-kit of techniques to help you to relax, connect with your body and your baby and help you to prepare you for the sensations of labour and birth.

During each session, I will share practical information so that you will feel confident and understand:

  • The physiological process of birth and the sights and sounds of labour.
  • Your rights in childbirth, informed consent and the options that are available to you.
  • Alternative pathways and interventions – what happens when things don’t go to plan?
  • How to set up the optimal birthing environment, no matter where or how you birth your baby
  • How to stay active in pregnancy and during labour
  • How to find your best birth support team and communicate with your healthcare providers
  • What comfort measures are available to you, both synthetic and natural
  • Writing an effective and comprehensive birth and post-natal plan – what do you need to include?
  • Options for feeding your baby, breastfeeding / chestfeeding, formula feeding or a combination of both
  • My top doula tips for birth and the post-partum period!
Photo of pregnant people round a table drawing pictures

We will also explore through meditation, mindfulness, breathwork and art (or journalling) some of your feelings around birth and parenting so you can:

  • Cultivate a practice of self-compassion and acceptance
  • Explore your hopes and fears and any anxieties you may have about birth
  • Deepen your connection with your pregnancy, your baby and your partner (if you have one)
  • Understand where you are now in terms of your existing beliefs and experiences around birth

I will share with you practical activities including:

  • Exercises to explore how you might cope with the sensations of birth
  • Massage techniques for partners
  • Meditations and mindfulness practices that you can do at home
  • Breathing techniques for birth
  • Visualizations and affirmations that you can use during pregnancy and birth

After each session you will leave with a simple ritual or exercise that you can do at home before we meet again.

As a Birthing from Within mentor, experienced doula and mother, I have witnessed all kinds of birth and have a balanced understanding of all that it can be and what we can do to best prepare for the journey we are embarking on. As a trained shamanic birth keeper, I understand the rite of passage of birth and how we can honour and celebrate the transformational journey that we are on.

A mature mentor will help you look within to find your own answers and wisdom. They will take a genuine interest in the way you see birth, the world, and yourself. While they may step into the role of teacher at times, their teaching will be tailored to what you bring to the moment instead of serving you a carbon copy of what they taught to all of their other mentees.

Heart Centered Pregnancy Journal, Nikki Shaheed

I am currently only taking private clients for my Birthing from Within birth preparation courses. For group courses and workshops, please see my Events page.

£350 per couple / pregnant person for the whole course.

Please Contact Me for further information or to book your space.

You can read more about Birthing From Within here.

Jo Kidman Cornwall Doula

Pregnant Pause

Take time out from the busy-ness of modern life to tune in to your inner pregnancy journey. During this one to one session I will offer a relaxing rebozo sequence and a shamanic drum journey to help you to connect with your baby in your womb. There will also be time to talk though any issues, concerns or fears you might have about pregnancy, birth or becoming a new parent.

I will bring you healthy plant-based sweet treats and heart opening cacao or a hand crafted tea blend so that you feel truly nourished. You will leave the session with more clarity and ready to step back into your life feeling like the birthing goddess you are!

90 minute in person session – £55