If you are interested in the shamanic dimensions of pregnancy and birth, I offer shamanic drum journeys and healings with a special focus on pregnancy, birth and the post-natal period.
Shamanic Drum Journeys
During pregnancy shamanic drum journeys can help you to connect with your body, your baby and your inner pregnancy journey.
60 minute session – £40 from my home near to Wadebridge

Shamanic Drum Healings
Shamanic drum healings are offered for pregnancy and post-natally (and any other time of life!) and is in essence a sound healing. I will use my shamanic tools (drum, rattle, feather and chimes) to work intuitively with your energy field and help to clear and rebalance, bring clarity and support you on your healing journey.
60 minute session – £45 from my home near to Wadebridge
I am happy to travel to your home, but I will need to charge additional mileage expenses (45p per mile).
Drumming for Labour and Birth
I can also drum for you during your labour and birth and help to set up your birth space. This can be booked separately to my full doula service and will depend on my availability. Please Contact Me for more information.