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There are a lot of things I love about birth work; it is my ‘ikigai’ which is a Japanese term broadly meaning ‘your life’s purpose’ or your reason for being. So, you can see how it might be difficult for me to limit what I love about being a doula to just ten things!

Anyway, here goes…!

1. I really do share in your excitement about your pregnancy – it is a time to be nurtured and celebrated by those around you afterall. I am always honoured when you invite me into your sacred and intimate birthing space and feel very lucky to be able to serve you in this way. 

2. I love this learning journey. Most of my learning comes with each family I support and with each baby that is born. I also read. A lot. I have a ‘birthy’ bookshelf (or two!) and it is ever growing. I love sharing books with you that I know you will love as much as I do. And, if you were an alien and looked at my Facebook feed, you probably would understand a lot about human birth. Very quickly!

3. Your strength, resiliance and tenacity always inspire me – you totally rock, no matter how or where you birth you babies.

4. As a doula I support the whole family; dads and partners, grandparents and siblings too. I love to be feel a part of it, even if it is just for a little while.

5. Witnessing the creation of your family is magical no matter whether it is your first, second baby or more – each time a baby is born so is a new family.

6. I have never worked in a job where I have felt so much joy and it is often the small things that are the most joyful. There is nothing quite like being able to give you a big (sometimes virtual!) high five when you climb a mountain you didn’t think you could.

7. There is something special about the drive home from a birth, especially when it is early in the morning or late at night. I love the feeling of being alone in my car in my oxytocin filled birth bubble – for just a few moments longer I can enjoy the liminal space between the world of birth and life at home.

8. Witnessing the birth of your precious tiny human reminds me of just how lucky I am to have three of my own. I love to come home and give my own children a big, big hug (unless it is 3am of course!)

9. My doula buddies. I love you. I have met some seriously amazing and inspiring people since I started on this path and really I couldn’t do(ula) without them.

10. Once a doula, always a doula. I always seem to be able to find a way to use my doula skills, whether that’s rocking and wrapping my children with my rebozo, listening deeply or just nourishing friends with food, my love and my time. My doula hat is always on and my door is always open.

Having said all of that, I think that this quote by Sarah Caldwell really does sum it all up quite nicely.

From the moment you ask them to be yours, a piece of their heart has your name on it”

Sarah Caldwell, The Unspoken Truth About Your Doula

When you book me as your doula, you really do have a little piece of my heart (and that little piece is yours for keeps.)

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