Have you ever felt lost and unmotivated and not known which way to turn? Each of us has a path or destiny to fulfil, but sometimes we lose sight of that or have trouble finding our way. This can lead to us feeling off-centre or out of balance which can manifest in sickness and dis-ease.
We are offering a 2 day healing retreat from our home for anyone who is looking to cleanse, rebirth and unlock their potential. Our retreats will provide you with a new beginning, they will help you clear or understand if its not to be cleared the root of illness, and they will also help you to prepare for 5th dimensional space.
Day 1: Clearing, cleansing and rebirth
Arrival 2pm
Your retreat on day 1 is host by Jo and will begin with a tea ceremony lovingly prepared with foraged plants. This will be followed by a limpa ceremony which is a cleansing ritual that uses fresh aromatic herbs to cleanse the mind, body and soul and clear any negative energies.
We will then share some homemade vegetarian food together inspired by traditional feast menus taken from across the world.
After lunch Jo again will perform a gentle sacred wrapping ceremony followed by a shamanic drum healing.
Day 1 is designed to cleanse the aura and remove any residual energies picked up from your life’s journey and your journey here. It will prepare your body for the work over the next few days and the new beginning it will bring.
The purpose of the rebirth ceremony is to reset your body, soul and spirit back to its original factory settings. This is designed to remove any karmic entanglement picked up from current and past life events and remove hidden trauma from birth which effects us all in our daily lives and experiences.
Day 2: Ascension and unlocking
Day 2 begins with a hearty breakfast of homemade sour dough and fruit and is hosted by Bob.
Sometimes people sleep for a long time when staying here so there is no fixed time to begin but when ready Bob will hold space and open up pathways for you to connect with the highest version of yourself.
First you will go into the Garden of the Soul where you will go through a soul purification process. This will take different forms depending on the individual and what they have come here to do.
This process is carried out by your own inner self, it isn’t guided, it is just allowed to do what it needs to do.
When this process concludes we will talk about your meditation and translate the images which you are shown into actionable understanding. Through this process residual negative energy held within the soul can be burnt off which will make space for higher aspects of you to transfer down from spirit.
We will stop for lunch then weather permitting visit either Merlin’s cave in Tintagel or King Arthur’s Hall standing stones on Bodmin Moor to conclude the meditation which will be an expansion and ascension into spirt.
Again, afterwards time will be allowed for discussion and understanding.
After an evening meal of a homemade healing Ayurvedic curry you will be given 3 tasks to contemplate on your own which will bring your material life into line with your spirit and into line with your destiny and with it 5th dimensional space.
The purpose of day 2 is to realign, recalibrate and expand.
- Ascension meditation followed by an in depth discussion
- Vegetarian lunch
- Afternoon visit to one of Cornwall’s sacred sites (Merlin’s Cave in Tintagel or Kind Arthur’s Hall standing stones on Bodmin Moor) and drum meditation
- Food
- Personal contrmplation
Day 3: Debrief and home
Over a healthy sourdough breakfast we will discuss the last few days and the evening contemplation work then check out by 10.30am
Your Hosts

We live in a pretty little hamlet in a beautiful part of Cornwall, just 5 miles from Wadebridge and a 15 minute drive from Polzeath Beach and Daymer Bay. You will have your own private room during your stay with a king size bed, en-suite bathroom and private entrance.

Energy exchange: £320 for two nights including accommodation and full board.