As a busy Mum of three young children, taking time out away from home in Cornwall and spending time just being ‘me’ is not always easy.
Self-care is really important in life, especially if you are preparing your body and mind to grow and birth a new being. There are lots of things that you can do to look after yourself when you are pregnant and it is worth taking the time to work out what suits you.
I have practised different kinds of yoga over the years, but I find that Kundalini yoga and meditation really works for me and soothes my soul. I like meditation because it helps to create a space in my mind amid all the chatter and helps me to tune in to and draw on my intuition and knowing.
If you are pregnant meditation is great to use throughout your whole pregnancy (and beyond!) It will help you to relax and connect with your baby and it can also be useful when you need to make decisions.
I can use my experience to help you to find meditations, breathing exercises and mantra that work for you and support your pregnancy and birthing journey.
Please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more about my doula services. 07396 172301 / 01208 880071.