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Parenthood Pregnancy

Journalling for Pregnancy and Beyond

I have been journalling on and off over the years, not always every day, but at times when I have felt the need to process my thoughts and feelings or reflect on situations I find myself in. Over the last year it has been more regular …

Photo showing pregnant women sitting on a sofa and drawingBirth Childbirth Preparation Pregnancy

What do we really need to ‘know’ to birth our babies?

I have been working as a doula and supporting families in Cornwall for a number of years, yet I keep coming back to the same question. How do we find out what we really need to know to birth our babies and ease our transition …

baby Benefits Birth Breech Cornwall Doula Motherhood New Mother Parenthood Pregnancy Sacred Ceremonies Support Uncategorized

Chala’s Beautiful Breech Birth

Last year, I worked with a wonderful family whose baby, Chala, decided to surprise us all by flipping breech at 37 weeks weeks. Although it was a bit of a curve ball, it is helpful to remember that breech presentation is just a variation of …

Birth Doula Pregnancy Support

Why I love being a birth doula

There are a lot of things I love about birth work; it is my ‘ikigai’ which is a Japanese term broadly meaning ‘your life’s purpose’ or your reason for being. So, you can see how it might be difficult for me to limit what I …