Planetary alignments and the gates of birth and a tool box to the stars. Hello again, This is Jo’s partner Bob, it has taken me a month and several rewrites to get anywhere near finishing this post. It has been a bit tricky because putting …

Spiritual Science and Birth Part 2

Spiritual Science and Birth Part 1
Guest Blog Post, by Bob Kidman Hi, my name is Bob and I am Jo’s partner, I have studied Spiritual Science and the systems we cannot see that govern our physical reality for over 10 years now and I have been applying this knowledge to …

Chala’s Beautiful Breech Birth
Last year, I worked with a wonderful family whose baby, Chala, decided to surprise us all by flipping breech at 37 weeks weeks. Although it was a bit of a curve ball, it is helpful to remember that breech presentation is just a variation of …

Sacred Post-Partum Ceremonies
Closing the Circle of Birth Birthing our babies is a pivotal moment in our life, it is one of our greatest rites of passage and a time to be celebrated, honoured and nurtured by those around us. It is a time when we open ourselves …

Musings on the Menopause
I turned 45 earlier this year and it feels like quite a transitional age, far more than 40 (I was pregnant!). I have now completed my family and am entering the Marga (peri-menopase) phase of my life. It feels quite inbetweeny though, like those days …